Now that the front panel is milled, it can be cleaned and the engravings are provided with black paint. After the varnish has dried in the indentations of the engraving, the supernatant paint is removed with solvent. Now the entire panel could be painted with clear lacquer.
While the paintwork on the front panel is drying, it’s time again for the wooden cabinet. The mounting holes for the boards, speakers, etc. were drilled and then the wood was embedded with a slightly darker wood stain. After drying, the wooden case also gets a clear coat.
In the next step, the operating elements (switches and rotary encoders) and the LC display are attached to the front panel. The milled webs for the speaker panel are covered with black fabric. (For the fabric had to serve a T-shirt).
The painting of the housing dried about a day. Now you can start mounting the speakers and the board.

Die Platine wird mit Abstandhaltern am Gehäuseboden verschraubt.

Now a suitable power supply is missing. For this purpose, a small power supply was built, which consists only of an iron core transformer with subsequent rectification, smoothing and voltage stabilization with a LM7809, ie 9V DC. For this, a small board was made (about 5x8cm) and also built into the housing with spacers.

Now that everything is assembled, the amplifier metrics and levels are again set and optimized with signal generator and oscilloscope.

The finished radio receiver now looks like this from the front …

und die Geräterückseite ist im nächsten Bild dargestellt:

In the short video, the radio can be seen in operation: