This is a patch for getting the WatchPlugin working with trac 0.12.
01 | +++ ./ Sat Apr 03 16:56:17 2010 |
04 | from trac.env import IEnvironmentSetupParticipant |
05 | from trac.util import format_datetime, pretty_timedelta |
06 | +from trac.util.datefmt import from_utimestamp, to_utimestamp |
07 | from import INavigationContributor |
08 | from trac.web.api import IRequestFilter, IRequestHandler, RequestDone |
09 | from import ITemplateProvider, add_ctxtnav, add_link, add_script, add_notice |
11 | from import WikiPage |
12 | from trac.ticket.model import Ticket |
17 | class WatchlistError(TracError): |
25 | + 'datetime' : from_utimestamp( time ), |
26 | + 'timedelta' : pretty_timedelta( from_utimestamp(time) ), |
27 | + 'timeline_link' : timeline_link( from_utimestamp(time) ), |
33 | 'commentnum': to_unicode(self.commentnum), |
34 | 'comment' : len(self.comment) <= 250 and self.comment or self.comment[:250] + '...', |
38 | + 'datetime' : from_utimestamp( changetime ), |
39 | + 'timedelta' : pretty_timedelta( from_utimestamp( changetime ) ), |
40 | + 'timeline_link' : timeline_link( from_utimestamp( changetime ) ), |
This patch applies to rev 7710, you can download the patch from trac-Hacks
Have fun 
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