Some nice images from our last electronic laboratory.
These photos show our medical electronic lab tutorial/lecture held by Matthias Haselberger
In these lab tutorials we teach our students the basic techniques used in medical biosignal acquisition devices such as electrocardiogram, electromyogram and biofeedback acquisition. After the tutorial the students are familiar with common amplifier circuits and also with complex instrumentation amplifier concepts.
have fun
Another year/semester has passed and we took (again) some nice images from our last lab tutorial. 🙂
This photos show our medical project seminar lab tutorial/lecture held by Matthias Haselberger
The aim of the laboratory is to get familiar with the commonly used micro-controller devices used to measure and process biofeedback signals.
have fun 🙂
For the last days I have been involved in commissioning a new project started at one of our degree programs
mechatronics at CUAS.
The FlexCell program is about innovative technologies usable for effective manufacturing in the field of automation technologies.
Project Leader : Christoph Ungermanns
One of the core components is a 6 axes industrial robot arm 🙂
[local /files/2012/06/robi3.flv]
[local /files/2012/06/robi2.flv]
have fun
About cool/interesting Projects and Technologies