The aim of the CUAS is not only to provide an excellent undergraduate and graduate education and research environment but also to support the education of young talented pupils and students, hoping that they will discover their passion for science. As such, the CUAS sponsors the cooperative class, which is a cooperation between the Mössinger grammar school and the higher technical education institute (HTL). Soldering iron, robot and electrical circuit are just a few buzzwords that describe this cooperative class, the idea of which is to give the pupils the first impressions of the technical field.
Last week, the Toolbox Handover ceremony took place, where the eager Coop-class pupils received the gear they need to build their first machines. Günther Grabner, the head of the MedTech studies at the FH Kärnten, represented the FH at this ceremony: “The motivated and technically fascinated young scientists were my impressions – it was really in honour being there”.
MedTech @ FH Kärnten Team