Attending ISMRM 2024 – PhD candidate perspective

By Sutatip, PhD candidate @ MedTech

Have you ever attended an international scientific conference? Just two weeks ago, I had the privilege of joining one of the largest conferences dedicated to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), with more than 5,000 professionals attending each year. It is my pleasure to tell you how I experienced it.

The Annual Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) took place on 4-9 May 2024, Suntec City, Singapore. It is put together by experts from various magnetic resonance branches, with the topics ranging from magnetic resonance hardware, to software, applications, clinical appliances, and especially hot topics like how AI applies to MR.

My journey to the ISMRM conference began with a buzz of excitement from my colleagues. Their anticipation was contagious, and I couldn’t resist the urge to be a part of it. When my project yielded promising results, I seized the opportunity and submitted my abstract in November ’23. Titled ‘Prediction of myelin stainings using 7T MRI and deep learning,’ it was a proud moment when I learned that my abstract had been accepted and can present it at the conference to the international MR society.

Once all are set, it’s time to fly to Singapore. The flight took around 15 hours from Austria to Singapore. The conference was well prepared from day one until the closing party. The first two days of the conference were educational sessions, in which experts taught the basic knowledge and the main trends in the field. The following four days were a mixture of scientific presentations, poster sessions, or even a showcase from MR tech companies. There were 50 daily sessions related to all fields related to MR, so sometimes you had to choose which one you wanted to hear the most.

Attending the ISMRM conference was a great experience. I had the opportunity to present my work results about using deep learning to create histological images from in vivo MRI, a breakthrough that we could usually only achieve through the post-mortem process. I had also the privilege of meeting and learning from professionals in my field, exchanging ideas and insights that have already begun to shape my work. I strongly encourage everyone to attend a conference like this. It’s not just about presenting your work but about expanding your horizons, gaining new perspectives, and building invaluable connections.

During my trip, I also did some sightseeing in Singapore. Even though it was very warm, the city was full of big trees and nice footpaths, so I enjoyed walking there.











Lastly, I want to thank my supervisor and colleagues at the Medical Engineering and Analytics department for all the support. I’m looking forward to submitting the new result from my work for the next ISMRM 25th in Hawaii!!
