
This is a private site published on blog @ fh-kaernten. It purpose is to share my hobby with others, it is intended for educational use only. Please use any information found here at your own risk.

All links to external sites are carefully selected, but I can not take any responsibility for the content posted on these sites.

By the way, I am working as key researcher here at carinthia university of applied sciences (CUAS), mainly for integrated systems and circuits design.

You can reach me:

Please be aware that many free mail services, like gmail and others, may process mails further than required for just storing and delivering them to a recipient. I do not like that practice at all. Depending on the content, I may not answer to those mail accounts, as I do not allow these practices to use my personal data without my explicit consent.

You may also follow my blogs to some serious work at CUAS here.

This web page use Gravatar, you can find an explanation here. It also uses technically required cookies of the underlying WordPress CMS to operate the site. But believe me, I really tried to disable this things as far as possible. Other than the “usual way” I really don’t like myself (to hide the opt-out deeply in some sub pages), I leave you the choice to directly opt-in or opt-out when you enter the web page the first time.

The web page also logs your browser IP for security purposes. But feel free to use ad/tracking-blockers or any form of VPN or Tor network, I’ll check myself from time to time that this web page works also with such setups. I am for unrestricted freedom and privacy on the web, so if you see that this web page behaves odd in this sense, please let me know.

When you use the comment feature, your name and e-mail is stored in the system. If you do not agree to that, please refrain from commenting. Contact me directly instead (see below). This data, as well as your browser ID and cookies, may be stored indefinitely on this server.

If you find an error, if you think certain content should be changed or removed from this page, feel free to contact me to work it out. Of course you may also contact me for any suggestions, interesting links or other information related to FPGA design, retro computers or arcade games!

Using electronics of today with hardware from the past.