“All About Occupations” bietet eine Vortragsreihe auch via Youtube zur Nachsicht. Hier geht’s zu den Vorträgen…
The University of Brighton Occupational Therapy Team welcome you to All About Occupation. We aim to bring you these FREE seminars in the All About Occupation series to feature speakers who have kindly given their time to present and share on a range of topics, but all as individuals who understand people as occupational beings. This therefore will include those who explore or promote people’s engagement in activities, the meaning of this, the relationship between occupation, equality, health, justice, well-being, and identity, as well as those chartering the less known, under-acknowledged, complex aspects of occupations. Important to us, everyone is welcome:
Brighton staff, students, prospective students, our global colleagues in all settings (including students and staff from other HEIs), and the public.